Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Why 1 is called ONE & 2 called TWO...?

You're just lines away. In between let me share the thought that comes up to my mind, while I was finding reason for this crazy question.
Assume a worlds lengthiest class room, where students are seated in series of rows. No matter how many rows!! only front and the last row are those who will create history or they would be the 2 pillars for almost all discoveries & innovations around. I meant there will be a connection exist between two entities, without them there would have no space for this simple post; mapping the front row would be the entity which has found or find reason to all the queries raised by last row entity. 

The numbers we write are made up of algorithms, (1, 2, 3, 4, etc) called Arabic algorithms.

What is the logic that exists in Arabic algorithm?

There are angles!
   If you look at the original Phoenician primitive algorithmic representation of numerals, the angles in the written representation of each of the numbers dictates the number's name.
1 (without the bar at the bottom in the original, primitive text) would have only one angle where the diagonal line meets the vertical line.
2 written in primitive text is a "Z" with two angles, one where the top horizontal line meets with the diagonal line, and another where the bottom horizontal line meets with the diagonal line. If you look at an image of the Phoenician numbers


and the most interesting and intelligent of all is 

                                                                         ha ha... 

Why would dogs hang their tongue OUT?

Most of time we have heard that people certainly map one's nose to dog's, when he or she could typically figure out something by smell. But the thing caught my attention while looking at the dog why dogs would have their TONGUE hanging out! lol
It's known for smelling sense... But tongue out for? And not every dog put it out just when it is hungry, although few does it but more randomly.

Any guess why it does? okay have you ever noticed a dog sweating either when it is tired chasing or in the street even sunny day. I hope by now you might have recalled any situation if you have lately seen any dog hanging their tongue out post reaching you by run.

Strange part here is that, they don't have no sweat glands except for on their tongues so they poke their tongue out to cool off. Dogs have a high body temperature and they hang their tongues out to let heat out through their tongues. So it's just their way of relaxing; rather than pointing it as sweating.