Sunday, August 12, 2018

Why are umbrellas generally black in color?

It's not surprising that marketers have been looking for compact & portable version in everything they make, as recent generation demands, especially in overcrowded cities like Mumbai, Bangalore where residential growing upwards w/o shortage of land. Likewise I had an 3 fold umbrella, and carried the same when relocated to Hartford(US), where I hardly see 3 storage apartments w/ ground being basement for laundry & storage, every block or house surrounded by vast green. Even then people like me who resides with temporary work visa, stays in rented apartment have common concern and buys everything of compact version(never know when I will be asked to relocate or leave US). Heavy wind took my first umbrella and soon 2nd, I didn't hurry for 3rd rather gauged few umbrella's in my work floor and surprised to feel weight of those umbrella. It's hard metal and wooden handle - realized! When I back home with 3rd(both bigger & heavier - lesson learnt frm 2 previous) again black umbrella though there were various shades in the store I bought!

Why color black?
In the olden days umbrellas were used only to get protect from rain, though it's being used while hot sun lately. Back in the generation(before synthetic fabric) where thick cotton cloth used for umbrella. When they got wet in the rains, they would take a long time to dry up. Comparatively black absorb more heat and as a result the evaporation process is faster, dries up little early.

Today, umbrellas are made of fabric that doesn't soak water easily, so color not at all a problem; umbrellas come in all shades, few with fancy & fine print too.

1 comment:

  1. This is an informative post on umbrellas. Looking forward to read more post like these.
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