Randy's Wooster pizza shop in Manchester, right next to Tolland-Buckland junction, their fancy Red lightened toll free number(just similar to "OPEN" sign board on restaurant glass door) would easily catches one's eye while waiting in junction for traffic signal to GREEN, Perhaps they wanted encourage take away and hence their contact number was eye catchy than shop name font. In fact I just googled it prior to this write up as even I couldn't recall that pizza shop name though have glanced that at least 20 times!
Their contact number was something like 'CALL 666 NOW', to be honest with you I had no clues until I saw 1 800-CALL DHL printed on their big courier vehicle some other day. That's the spark, I just saw CALL DHL with well known hotline prefix 1800, and not the 1 800 225 5345, wow how cool was that? friendly name like brand rather series of number, though whatever fancy that be. Each letter in the alphabet corresponds to a number on a number pad. ABC - 2, DEF - 3, GHI - 4, JKL - 5, MNO -6, PQRS - 7, TUV - 8, WXYZ - 9. Most number pads on phones probably show which characters correspond to each number.
Necessity is the mother of invention, heard? History repeats, heard too? have you ever had guess, it was there in black & white generation too! ha ha
Their contact number was something like 'CALL 666 NOW', to be honest with you I had no clues until I saw 1 800-CALL DHL printed on their big courier vehicle some other day. That's the spark, I just saw CALL DHL with well known hotline prefix 1800, and not the 1 800 225 5345, wow how cool was that? friendly name like brand rather series of number, though whatever fancy that be. Each letter in the alphabet corresponds to a number on a number pad. ABC - 2, DEF - 3, GHI - 4, JKL - 5, MNO -6, PQRS - 7, TUV - 8, WXYZ - 9. Most number pads on phones probably show which characters correspond to each number.
Necessity is the mother of invention, heard? History repeats, heard too? have you ever had guess, it was there in black & white generation too! ha ha